Historical statistics
536 Studies
436.077 Time series

Historical Time Series

Welcome to the online-database histat.

Histat was developed in GESIS by Jürgen Sensch, Rainer Metz, and Gabriele Franzmann and released in 2004. The online platform has the function of making time series from historical, economic and social science research accessible. On October 15, 2021, histat moved to SAFE. New studies are frequently imported into histat.
The registration, the use of histat as well as the download of data from histat are free of charge.


Please cite the source of the data used and the publications to the data in your own publications according to scientific practice. Recommendations for citation of historical data can be found under Data Quotation .

HISTAT offers extensive "meta-information" for each study: in addition to a detailed study description, it also provides detailed information on the sources used in the study, the study area, and other comments.
All metadata are available via a comfortable search function free of charge and without registration. Since we have received the data from our data providers under certain conditions for dissemination, we are obliged to prove the use of this data using the registration.


If you have further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Documents for the download

In cooperation with


What others say about histat

"A really good and important project."

Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel
Chairman des Verbandes der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands

"An indispensable data-repository for German economic and social history."

Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten
General Secretary der International Economic History Association

"It is most certainly not possible to make it more comfortable."

Dr. Oliver Volckart
London School of Economics

"It's great that GESIS collects this data and provides it to researchers."

Robin Winkler
DPhil candidate in Economic History, Oxford University

Further cooperating Partners

  • Prof. Dr. Volker Müller-Benedict
    Lehrstuhl für Methodenlehre
    Universität Flensburg
  • Prof. Dr. Carsten Burhop
    Seminar für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte
    Universität zu Köln
  • Prof. Dr. Claude Diebolt
    BETA/CNRS (UMR 7522)
    Université de Strasbourg



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