Historical statistics
536 Studies
436.077 Time series

This menu offers you the selection on the basis of time periods. All studies were assigned to a time period. This was certainly not always an easy task. The aim was the offer of not more than 20 time periods, to which each study of the in the meanwhile several hundred studies comprising study stock should be assigned to. Only in this way we could presenting you a manageable selection menu. In pragmatic respect the best solution of this task was the classification of the most studies according to the opening decade of their investigation period. A much more precise selection can be made by using the advanced selection menu. The advanced selection menu offers you the possibility to choose the time series of the studies by using a time-filter.

ZA 8686 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Bevölkerung, Haushalte und Familien, 1980-2013. 7678 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
7 Tables
ZA 8687 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Wohnen und Wohnungen (Housing),1980-2013. 2640 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
5 Tables
ZA 8688 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Schul- und Berufsausbildung (Education and Vocational Training), 1980-2013. 1216 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
5 Tables
ZA 8689 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Arbeitsmarkt und Arbeitsbedingungen (Labour Market and Working Conditions),1980-2013. 11369 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
8 Tables
ZA 8690 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Einkommen, Lebensstandard und Konstumstrukturen (Income, Standard of Living, and Consumption Patterns)1980-2013. 2479 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
8 Tables
ZA 8693 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Kriminalität u. öffentl. Sicherheit (Crime and Public Safety), 1980-2013. 3840 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
7 Tables
ZA 8691 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Gesundheitssystem (Health), 1980-2013. 4209 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
6 Tables
ZA 8692 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Umwelt (Environment ), 1980-2013. 4540 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
5 Tables
ZA 8694 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Soziale Absicherung und Sicherheit (Social Security), 1980-2013. 720 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
4 Tables
ZA 8695 SIMon: Social Indicators Monitor 1950-2013 Noll, Heinz-Herbert; Weick, Stefan (2018 [2018]), EUSI: Europäisches System Sozialer Indikatoren, Zur gesamten Lebenslage (Total Life Situation), 1980-2013. 5577 Time series
(1980 - 2013)
5 Tables

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